

Savino, Marco, Luigi Savino, Pasquale Mone, Concetta Schiano, Antonio De Luca, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “Predicting Exercise Intolerance in Elderly Individuals With Heart Failure Using the 30-Second Chair Stand Test”. International Journal of Cardiology. Heart & Vasculature 53: 101464.
Mone, Pasquale, Esther Densu Agyapong, Giampaolo Morciano, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Antonio De Luca, Fahimeh Varzideh, Paolo Pinton, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “Dysfunctional Mitochondria Elicit Bioenergetic Decline in the Aged Heart”. The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging 4 (2).

Aging represents a complex biological progression affecting the entire body, marked by a gradual decline in tissue function, rendering organs more susceptible to stress and diseases. The human heart holds significant importance in this context, as its aging process poses life-threatening risks. It entails macroscopic morphological shifts and biochemical changes that collectively contribute to diminished cardiac function. Among the numerous pivotal factors in aging, mitochondria play a critical role, intersecting with various molecular pathways and housing several aging-related agents. In this comprehensive review, we provide an updated overview of the functional role of mitochondria in cardiac aging.

Buonaiuto, Antonietta, Jessica Gambardella, Gaetano Santulli, Antonella Fiordelisi, Xujun Wang, Nella Prevete, Edoardo Sommella, et al. (2024) 2024. “Macrophages Release MiRNAs in Response to Doxorubicin With a Potential Role in Indirect Cardiac Damage”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107302.
Gambardella, Jessica, Antonella Fiordelisi, Federica Andrea Cerasuolo, Antonietta Buonaiuto, Roberta Avvisato, Alessandro Viti, Eduardo Sommella, et al. (2024) 2024. “Early Impairment in Mitochondrial Quality Check and Function Precedes the Development of Cardiac Phenotypes in an Mouse Model of Fabry Disease”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107320.
Gambardella, Jessica, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Urna Kansakar, Fahimeh Varzideh, Roberta Avvisato, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “COVID-19 Causes the Opening of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore in Human Endothelial Cells”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107349.
Gambardella, Jessica, Fahimeh Varzideh, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Urna Kansakar, Simone Sidoli, Angela Lombardi, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “Ketogenic Diet Improves Chromatin Remodeling and Rescues Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Ischemic Heart Disease by Regulating PGC-1alpha Transcription”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107348.
Cerasuolo, Federica Andrea, Jessica Gambardella, Gaetano Santulli, Antonella Fiordelisi, Xujun Wang, Nella Prevete, Edoardo Sommella, et al. (2024) 2024. “Macrophages Participate in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Damage”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107309.
Kansakar, Urna, Valentina Trimarco, Maria Manzi V, Edoardo Cervi, Pasquale Mone, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Bromelain: Applications, Benefits, and Mechanisms”. Nutrients 16 (13).

Bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes primarily extracted from the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus). It has a long history of traditional medicinal use in various cultures, particularly in Central and South America, where pineapple is native. This systematic review will delve into the history, structure, chemical properties, and medical indications of bromelain. Bromelain was first isolated and described in the late 19th century by researchers in Europe, who identified its proteolytic properties. Since then, bromelain has gained recognition in both traditional and modern medicine for its potential therapeutic effects.

Avvisato, Roberta, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Pasquale Mone, Urna Kansakar, Fahimeh Varzideh, Stefano De Gennaro, Luigi Salemme, et al. (2024) 2024. “MiR-181c Modulates SMAD7 and Parkin in Human Cardiac Fibroblasts: Validation in Frail Older Adults With Diabetes and HFpEF”. Vascular Pharmacology 155: 107350.
Jankauskas, Stanislovas S, Fahimeh Varzideh, Urna Kansakar, Ghaith Al Tibi, Esther Densu Agyapong, Jessica Gambardella, and Gaetano Santulli. (2024) 2024. “Insights into Molecular and Cellular Functions of the Golgi Calcium/Manganese-Proton Antiporter TMEM165”. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 300 (8): 107567.

The Golgi compartment performs a number of crucial roles in the cell. However, the exact molecular mechanisms underlying these actions are not fully defined. Pathogenic mutations in genes encoding Golgi proteins may serve as an important source for expanding our knowledge. For instance, mutations in the gene encoding Transmembrane protein 165 (TMEM165) were discovered as a cause of a new type of congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). Comprehensive studies of TMEM165 in different model systems, including mammals, yeast, and fish uncovered the new realm of Mn2+ homeostasis regulation. TMEM165 was shown to act as a Ca2+/Mn2+:H+ antiporter in the medial- and trans-Golgi network, pumping the metal ions into the Golgi lumen and protons outside. Disruption of TMEM165 antiporter activity results in defects in N- and O-glycosylation of proteins and glycosylation of lipids. Impaired glycosylation of TMEM165-CDG arises from a lack of Mn2+ within the Golgi. Nevertheless, Mn2+ insufficiency in the Golgi is compensated by the activity of the ATPase SERCA2. TMEM165 turnover has also been found to be regulated by Mn2+ cytosolic concentration. Besides causing CDG, recent investigations have demonstrated the functional involvement of TMEM165 in several other pathologies including cancer and mental health disorders. This systematic review summarizes the available information on TMEM165 molecular structure, cellular function, and its roles in health and disease.