Mone, Pasquale, Jessica Gambardella, Angela Lombardi, Antonella Pansini, Stefano De Gennaro, Anna Luisa Leo, Michele Famiglietti, et al. “Correlation of Physical and Cognitive Impairment in Diabetic and Hypertensive Frail Older Adults”. Cardiovascular Diabetology 21, no. 1 (2022): 10.
Publications by Year: 2022
Mone, Pasquale, Urna Kansakar, Fahimeh Varzideh, Eugenio Boccalone, Angela Lombardi, Antonella Pansini, and Gaetano Santulli. “Epidemiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: What Is the Contribution of Hypertension and Arterial Stiffness?”. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 24, no. 4 (2022): 395.
Mone, Pasquale, Maria Morgante, Antonella Pansini, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Mario Rizzo, Angela Lombardi, Salvatore Frullone, and Gaetano Santulli. “Effects of Insulin Resistance on Mitochondrial (dys) Function”. Atherosclerosis 341 (2022): 52-54.
Mone, Pasquale, Jessica Gambardella, Antonella Pansini, Giuseppe Martinelli, Fabio Minicucci, Ciro Mauro, and Gaetano Santulli. “Cognitive Dysfunction Correlates With Physical Impairment in Frail Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction”. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 34, no. 1 (2022): 49-53.
Mone, Pasquale, Bruno Trimarco, and Gaetano Santulli. “Aspirin, NOACs, Warfarin: Which Is the Best Choice to Tackle Cognitive Decline in Elderly Patients? Insights from the GIRAF and ASCEND-Dementia Trials Presented at the AHA 2021”. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Santulli, Gaetano, and Pasquale Mone. “In Permanent AF With Narrow QRS, AV Junction Ablation+ CRT Vs. Rate-Control Drug Therapy Reduced Mortality”. Annals of Internal Medicine 175, no. 2 (2022): JC21.
Mone, Pasquale, Antonella Pansini, Francesco Calabr\ o, Stefano De Gennaro, Mafalda Esposito, Paolo Rinaldi, Antonio Colin, et al. “Global Cognitive Function Correlates With P-Wave Dispersion in Frail Hypertensive Older Adults”. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 24, no. 5 (2022): 638-43.