Dridi, Haikel, Gaetano Santulli, Jessica Gambardella, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Qi Yuan, Jingyi Yang, Steven Reiken, et al. “IP3 Receptor Orchestrates Maladaptive Vascular Responses in Heart Failure”. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 132, no. 4 (2022).
Santulli, Gaetano, Salvatore Frullone, Maria Morgante, Gaetano Macina, Antonella Pansini, Jessica Gambardella, Angela Lombardi, and Pasquale Mone. “Response to Comment on Mone et Al. Empagliflozin Improves Cognitive Impairment in Frail Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Diabetes Care 2022; 45: 1247—1251”. Diabetes Care 45, no. 10 (2022): e151—e152.
Santulli, Gaetano, Xujun Wang, and Pasquale Mone. “Updated ACC/AHA/HFSA 2022 Guidelines on Heart Failure: What Is New? From Epidemiology to Clinical Management”. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Varzideh, Fahimeh, Pasquale Mone, and Gaetano Santulli. “Bioengineering Strategies to Create 3D Cardiac Constructs from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”. Bioengineering 9, no. 4 (2022): 168.
Paolisso, Pasquale, Luca Bergamaschi, Gaetano Santulli, Emanuele Gallinoro, Arturo Cesaro, Felice Gragnano, Celestino Sardu, et al. “Infarct Size, Inflammatory Burden, and Admission Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction Treated With SGLT2-Inhibitors: A Multicenter International Registry”. Cardiovascular Diabetology 21, no. 1 (2022): 1-12.
Mone, Pasquale, Raffaele Izzo, Giuseppe Marazzi, Maria Virginia Manzi, Paola Gallo, Giuseppe Campolongo, Luca Cacciotti, et al. “L-Arginine Enhances the Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Physical Performance: New Insights for Managing Cardiovascular Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 381, no. 3 (2022): 197-203.
Gambardella, Jessica, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Salvatore Luca D Ascia, Celestino Sardu, Alessandro Matarese, Fabio Minicucci, Pasquale Mone, and Gaetano Santulli. “Glycation of Ryanodine Receptor in Circulating Lymphocytes Predicts the Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy”. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 41, no. 4 (2022): 438-41.
Mone, Pasquale, Fahimeh Varzideh, Urna Kansakar, Carmine Infante, Angela Lombardi, Antonio de Donato, Salvatore Frullone, and Gaetano Santulli. “Omega-3 Fatty Acids Coordinate Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Diabetic Patients”. Lipids in Health and Disease 21, no. 1 (2022): 1-4.
Wilson, Scott, Pasquale Mone, Urna Kansakar, Stanislovas S Jankauskas, Kwame Donkor, Ayobami Adebayo, Fahimeh Varzideh, et al. “Diabetes and Restenosis”. Cardiovascular Diabetology 21, no. 1 (2022): 1-14.
Mone, Pasquale, Antonella Pansini, Salvatore Frullone, Antonio de Donato, Veronica Buonincontri, Paolo De Blasiis, Anna Marro, Maria Morgante, Antonio De Luca, and Gaetano Santulli. “Physical Decline and Cognitive Impairment in Frail Hypertensive Elders During COVID-19”. European Journal of Internal Medicine 99 (2022): 89-92.